
Showing posts from 2018

Challenges in testing ChatBots

        This is the second article on ChatBot Testing. Here is the first article which introduces the chatbots in general and details out why should we test chatbots.         Chatbots are different to other applications in several ways as listed below which makes them challenging to test and measure the quality. Self Learning Systems         Chatbots are built using AI and NLP services and keep learning and improving on their own. This makes it highly unpredictable whether a test case has failed due to the defect or if its improvement. One cannot have the traditional style of testing and write test cases with expected output. Remember, the test data used itself can be used by the bot to learn and update its behaviour, the negative testing may have an impact on the bot !! Non-linear input          Voice based chatbots use the s...

Rise of Chatbots

This is an era of AI (Artificial Intelligence) and as an industry we are rapidly adopting the AI technologies into the businesses to go more faster, make more profits while increasing the customer satisfaction and engagement. One such popular adoption is a ChatBot !! According to the surveys conducted, 90% of the apps installed are used only once and people spend more time on messaging apps than on social networking sites, making the messaging platforms new social networks today !! Businesses and brands have sensed it and moved to the messaging platforms to host the ChatBots to be right there, where the customers are. Messenger, WeChat, Skype, Slack and bunch of other messaging apps are now hosting ChatBots on their platforms, with all this you as a customer  can now chat with CNN to get the news or to book the flowers for your Bae or order your favourite pizza by chatting on your messaging application that you use a dozen times a day and you do not need to download an...

GIT Cheatsheet

Clone a repo git clone <your repo URL> Create a branch and switch to it git checkout -b <branchname> Delete a branch git branch -d <branchname> List the local branches git branch List only remote branches git branch -r List all the remote and local branches git branch -a Renaming a branch git branch -m old-name new-name

Shell Scripting

Your first Shell script!! Open the terminal type the below command: this is to create a file vi hit escape button (to enter the insert mode in vi editor) type the below echo "helloworld..!!" to save the script hit escape and colon (:)type wq! (like this :wq!)and hit enter now to execute the program use the below command . ./ hit enter output is as below helloworld..!! Printing on screen Example:1 This statement prints the statement as is on screen echo Hello, how are you doing? output: Hello, how are you doing? Example:2 Printing the value of any variable a=10 echo $a output: 10 Reading the user input the below shell script reads 2 inputs from the user and prints it on the screen. echo "Enter the name:" read name echo"Enter last name:" read lname echo "hello $name $lname, how are you?? " Operators in Shell Mathematical [x -eq y] =...

All about Cypress!!

What is Cypress is an open source front end automation tools for web applications. This is a non-selenium based tool, when i say non-selenium it does not use selenium libraries neither it is build on top of selenium. Its build all from scratch and offers the following interesting cool out of the box features. Time Travel :You can travel back and see what happened when you ran the test. Before and after. How cool is that!! Debugging : You can use chrome devtools to inspect the DOM Automatic waiting : No more adding waiting through code. All batteries included !! Screenshots and videos : For failed tests the screenshots and videos are taken automatically, no more adding code explicitly. Stubs and clocks : Can be used for unit tests by the devs. For more you can visit the  cypress site Setting up cypress Install nodejs On Mac  On a windows machine