Your first Shell script!! Open the terminal type the below command: this is to create a file vi hit escape button (to enter the insert mode in vi editor) type the below echo "helloworld..!!" to save the script hit escape and colon (:)type wq! (like this :wq!)and hit enter now to execute the program use the below command . ./ hit enter output is as below helloworld..!! Printing on screen Example:1 This statement prints the statement as is on screen echo Hello, how are you doing? output: Hello, how are you doing? Example:2 Printing the value of any variable a=10 echo $a output: 10 Reading the user input the below shell script reads 2 inputs from the user and prints it on the screen. echo "Enter the name:" read name echo"Enter last name:" read lname echo "hello $name $lname, how are you?? " Operators in Shell Mathematical [x -eq y] =...